Sunday 10 November 2013

Assured Destruction: The Transmedia Elements

Assured Destruction
by Michael F. Stewart
Non Sequitur Press
183 pp.
Ages 12+
March, 2013

Script Kiddie
by Michael F. Stewart
Non Sequitur Press
212 pp.
Ages 12+
August, 2013

I was blown away by Michael F. Stewart's Assured Destruction in March 2013 when I reviewed it.  It's an edgy computer thriller for young adults.  He's followed it up with an even more captivating volume in Script Kiddie, Book 2 in the Assured Destruction series. (My review for Script Kiddie will be posted this week at The various media that Janus and her Shadownet personalities use for communication are complex and varied, and Michael F. Stewart shares them in this video below, offering the means for readers to engage with these virtual characters through  entertaining and somewhat authentic (they are digital, after all) channels.

Assured Destruction: The Transmedia Elements
Uploaded by Michael Stewart on June 11, 2013 to YouTube.