Wednesday 29 January 2014

Blue Gold

by Elizabeth Stewart
Annick Press
304 pp.
Ages 12+
January, 2014

The blurb that accompanies the book release by last year's Geoffrey Bilson Award for Historical Fiction for Young People and the John Spray Mystery Award winner, Elizabeth Stewart, reads as follows:
Coltan, or “blue gold,” is a rare mineral used in making cell phones and computers. Across continents, the lives of three teen girls are affected by the “blue gold” trade.
(Retrieved from on January 29, 2014.)

Monday 13 January 2014

The Rule of Three

by Eric Walters
Razorbill Canada
416 pp.
Ages 12-18
Release date January 21, 2014

In The Rule of Three, when apocalyptic circumstances are unleashed, the survival Rule of Three will determine everything.
The Rule of Three states that
 a person can survive no longer than 
3 minutes without air,
3 days without water
3 weeks without food.

I suspect young readers will be clamouring for this one next week. 

Uploaded to on January 13, 2014 by Vikki VanSickle.